Prayer for you today

Prayer for you today

I pray for you that the favour of God will go ahead of you. As you move along in life, doors of uncommon prosperity shall be opened unto you in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that as you go out today, life shall attract divine helpers. Every need of your life shall be supplied in abundant measure in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that God shall increase the harvest of every seed you sow. May you not have devourers who destroy the fruit of the grounds on which you plough in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that Your eyes shall be opened to see the good things God is doing in your life. May you not miss your appointed time with God in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that Your presence will attract favour from strangers. Anything that brings disfavour is hereby taken out of your life in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that God shall surprise you today with unexpected miracle. What ou thought could not happen in your life is what shall happen today in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray and shut the mouths of evil lions surrounding our life. Their ability to devour you and your household is takne away from them in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that God mark you for excellence in all dimensions. By the gift of excellence in you, favour finds you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that the LORD shall lift his countenence upon you and favour your course. Your days of sorrow is over. It's time for your celebration in JESUS MIGHTY NAME, AMEN.

I pray for you that you will receive the ability to rise above your present state. Your progress in life shall not be slow in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that you will not fall before the full manifestation of your greatness. Every plan of the enemy to abort your future greatness is cancelled now in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that God shall strengthen your hand against wicked enemies around you. All the evil forces in your life shall remain defeated under your feet in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that there shall be a release of an army of angels for your safety in your going out an coming in. Your dwelling is fully insured by heaven in jesus name, Amen.

I pray for you that Your faith shall not fail in times of difficulty. In every crisis of life, may God give you the upper hand in Jesus name, AMEN.

I pray and rebuke the evil spirit of premature death around your. You are hereby delivered from losing your life prematurely in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that God will proser you and the generations after you. The curse of severe poverty is broken out of your life in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray and mark you with the blood of Jesus Christ for exemption from evil attacks. You and your household shall enjoy the manifold grace of God in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that You shall receive the grace for immediate prophetic manifestation of your destiny. You shall be a wonder to your generation in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that You shall not lose vital opportunities. Any assignment in your life to cause you to lose your blessings in hereby cancelled in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that You shall receive teh enablement to do great things. God shall surprise you with many pleasant surprises today in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you today that You will experience supernatural increase in every aspect of your life. Any spirit of scantiness in your life is broken now in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.