Prayer for you today

Prayer for you today

I pray for you that any demonic assignment to resist you from becoming a person of importance is overruled. You shall not lose your importance in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that you shall experience the blessing of good health & longevity. May the healing power of GOd touch you at the places you are hurting in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that the harvest of the seeds you have sown shall not fail. Your life shall be like a watered garden bringing forth everlasting fruits in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that all protocols will be suspended for your sake in order to change your story. You shall not remain barren in life and ministry in Jesus name, amen.

I pray for you that Your financial supply shall not diminish even in times of scarcity. The anointing of Isaac shall visibly be seen in manifestation in your life in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that You shall be clothed with the garments of grace & glory. Any yoke of shame & indeptedness hanging on your neck is hereby broken in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that You shall be like a watered garden bringing forth lasting fruit. The fields of your life shall not be destroyed in the name of Jesus, Amen.

I pray for you  that you shall walk in the blessings of obedience. May the curse of disobedience not part of your life in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you today, that You shall receive infusion of life into every area of life that is stale. I decree freshness and vitality shall overshadow you today in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that your time for breakthrough shall be swift. Any delay in your life limiteing your progress is hereby cancelled in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that your feet shall be guided into a fruiful place. Any curse preventing you from being fruiful is broken now by the power of God in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that you shall overcome you present challenges. God is lifting you out of instability to a place of prominence. This is your season to shine as a star in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that you shall receive divine visitation. Every unanswered problem in your life shall receive answers in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that you shall yield to the guidance of the Lord in your life. May your steps be guided away from longstanding & unresolved issues in Jesus Name, AMEN.

I pray and remove any satanic embargo imposed on you. Every step you take this year shall be guided away from evil calamity in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you today that God shall shield you from secret enemies smiling with you but opposing you in their hearts. The fire of the spirit around you shall expose them in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray and invode the blessings of God over your life for enlargement. The hand of God shall uphold you and cause you not to sink to a lower state in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that as you go out today, your life shall attract divine helpers. Every need of your life shall be supplied in Abundant measure in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I pray for you that God shall exampt you from family and generational curses. Frustration, Depression and evil calamity shall be far from you in Jesus Name, Amen.

I pray for you that you shall receive the grace for acceptance. You shal be accepted in every place you go in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

I pray for you that your life shall be like a watered garden bringing fuits that last. You shall florish like the palm tree and every form of barrenness shall be far from you in Jesus Name, Amen.