About Sozo International Family Church

About Sozo International Family Church

Sozo International Family Church established on the 2nd of June 2019, is a Bible believing church dedicated to the purpose of spreading the salvation knowledge of Jesus Christ.


As a church, our main emphasis is on the teaching of the word of God and raising believers who are agents with the divine mandate of carrying the gospel to their generation. We currently have two branches in Accra; Kokrobite and Adenta new site respectively.


The headquarters of the church is located in Accra, Adenta new site behind the Zoe Royal Hospital (A.K.A Zoe Fertility & Alternative Medical Centre) near the Kaf International School on the Adenta Pantang Junction road.




To be an agency for the salvation and establishment of souls in the Kingdom of God.



To preach, teach and raise disciples for the propagation of the gospel of Christ to our world.





We believe in God the father as the creator of Heaven and the earth

We believe in Jesus Christ as the only son of God through whom humankind is saved

We believe in the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead who indwells every believer

We believe in the Holy Bible as the only tool for the transformation of humankind

We believe in the presence of angels who are ministers for the saints who are heirs of salvation

We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues

We believe in the existence of Heaven and hell, the former being the eternal abode of believers and
the latter being the destination of those who reject Jesus Christ as their saviour.